Practical solutions. Exceptional results.


“Ed provides excellent HR leadership, guidance, support and professionalism in his efforts to develop our organization and drive the growth of the business. He continually works to expand his relationships, knowledge of the business, and he can be counted on to deliver results. I am confident in his ability to contribute to building and forming another great business”.                                                                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                        President, Global Manufacturer

“I’ve worked with Ed for many years now and fully vouch for him. He is professionally agile, able to contribute at a high, strategic level as well as roll up his sleeves and be hands-on with his team and the top leadership in the business. He fits particularly well in a collaborative, coaching culture that values people, team-work, entrepreneurial spirit, and creative problem solving”.                                                      

                                                                                                                                        Senior Vice President, Services

“Ed is very knowledgeable  about all things HR and has offered me clear and concise advise over the years.  Ed is “real world smart” and has pretty vast experience”. 

President, Lingerie & Sportswear Retail

“It was an honor and a privilege to work with Ed. It was a great experience and one where I learned so much. It is difficult to compare this experience with other HR leaders I have worked with”.

                                                                                                                                        General Manager, Latin America Manufacturer

“Working with Ed has been fun, challenging and a true learning experience. He is a strong business person and HR leader with a unique ability to simplify complex situations and develop practical solutions". 

                                                                                                                                         HR Colleague